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Hi! I'm Nina,

and now that I've put on my own "mom shoes" and have a tiny human of my own, I feel an impression within myself to, in one way or another, share both my mothering and individual self, however imperfectly.  Mothering a new human changes so much in a woman's life.  I've been immersed in the many 'conversations' of YouTube moms and blogging moms,  pouring over documented hours of video and writing long before I knew I was becoming a mom myself.  Some would resonate and others would leave me wanting to step up with my own thoughts on pregnancy, motherhood, marriage, homemaking, raising children, health, you name it.  As a reader you will have your own expectations, and I am open to the reader's heart.  As the writer I will be offering up handfuls of words to convey my life.  I hope you find yourself enjoying them, laughing with them (sometimes I dare to think I'm funny, at least in written form), crying with them, or even switching them out with your own ideas.  


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